welcome to city of živinice

Tourist guide through the city of Živinice. On our site you will find all sports attractions and events, tourist destinations, restaurants, hotels, as well as the entire cultural and artistic program of the city of Živinice.


TOP destinations

Džebar Mosque and Museum

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Paradise Lake Bašigovci

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City Boulevard

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City parks

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Natural and quiet environment without noise, local food, getting to know the rural way of life and other tourist offers are the most important characteristics of rural tourism. In today's time of oversaturation with the urban way of life, more and more people are trying to find peace in rural areas.
The concept of agritourism is a continuation of ecotourism, and encourages visitors to experience agricultural life first hand.
Agrotourism is a form of tourism in which members of the local community offer a tour of their own agricultural project and thus allow the visitor to participate directly in the experience of planting, harvesting and processing food of a particular locality.


Destination gallery
