hunting and fishing

Hunting and fishing in the area of the City of Živinice:

Citizen's Hunting Association "TOPLICE" Živinice was founded on February 26, 1996, and until then, hunters from the Živinice area were members of LD "Konjuh" Tuzla. The hunting association has 500 members.

The area managed by the association LD "Toplice" totals 25,747 ha.
According to the altitude and geographical units, it is divided into two districts: Hunting ground number 1: "Spreča" is a plain hunting ground with an area of 14,407 ha, altitude from 190 to 400 m, 612 ha on pastures, 925 ha on gardens and orchards, 1 398 ha on low forests and thickets, 957 ha on high forests, 1 750 ha on other areas (rivers, artificial lakes, Lake Modrac). Rabbits, pheasant, partridges and wild ducks live in this hunting area and are protected species.

Wild boar, as well as roe deer, occurs occasionally in the summer. When it comes to unprotected species on the hunting ground, here live: foxes, wild cats, martens, weasels, badgers, feathered speacies such as: crows, magpies, hawks, etc, as well as a large number of small birds: marsh and forest snipe, quail and ringdove.

Hunting ground number 2: "Djedino" Dubrava is a hilly and mountain hunting ground with an altitude of 300 to 1,200 meters. The hunting area is 11,340 ha. It consists of IV areas: Hunjevik with Bišina, Borovnjak with Kotornica, Djedinska planina with Ravni bor and Dubrava with Rudina. Protected species with a permanent habitat are: roe deer, rabbit, wild boar, and even brown bear, as well as feathered speacies: black grouse, hazel, wood snipe, wood pigeon. Unprotected species in this area are: fox, marten and beetle, wild cat, and wolves has been seen regularly lately.

Hunting Association "Toplica" Živinice especially takes care of the breeding and protection of pheasants. In this regard, in 2014, a pheasant farm was arranged on the road Živinice-Barica (on the right side, along the river Oskova). Members of the hunting society regularly guard, visit and feed pheasants.

Sport fishing association "Mrena" Živinice has existed for almost seventy years. It has about 700 members. This is also an active fish guard society that nurtures, restocks, and protects fish stocks from poaching. They are active participants in numerous competitions at a state level. They are most responsible for the development of fishing and the preservation of fish stocks in the area in and around the City Živinice. Lake "Bare-Šljunkara", "Paradise Lake", Lake "Hadžije" and the Modrac water reservoir are the most frequent locations for sport fishing.
